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25+ Years!!
NEW 6-Week

Anyone interested in learning more about the Professional Actor’s Studio is welcome to attend one class for free—use the form below to register!

  • Please arrive on time to class—latecomers will not be allowed in—and be prepared to stay for the entire class (approx. 3 hours).

  • No food is allowed in the studio.  Liquids are allowed and complimentary coffee, tea and spring water at the studio.  

  • Cell phones must be in silent mode during the class.

  • The instructor will be happy to answer questions before or after the class.

  • There is plenty of free parking at the Studio—in the front, side and rear of the building.

  • You can only register and audit one time, so pick the class you are most interested in.

  • You must use your audit within two weeks from when you register.

  • Please no note taking during class.  We want you to just sit back and enjoy the experience.

Multiple audits will not be allowed and will void your free audit.

Audit One Free Class

Personal Details

How did you hear about us?

Choose all that apply:

Please choose which class you wish to audit:

I would like to audit the following class:
BEGINNING Acting - MON 12PM - 3PM - Upstairs (JD Ferrantino)
BEGINNING Acting - MON 7:30PM - 10:00PM - ONLINE (Rachel O’Hara)
BEGINNING Acting - TUE 12PM - 3PM - Upstairs (Jeff Cole)
BEGINNING Acting - TUE 7:30PM - 10:30PM - Downstairs (JD Ferrantino)
BEGINNING Acting - THU 7:30PM - 10:30PM - Upstairs (Nick Conti)
BEGINNING Acting - SAT 10AM - 1PM - Downstairs (Shanessa Sweeney)
INTERMEDIATE Acting - MON 7:30PM - 10:30PM - Upstairs (Scott Oakley)
INTERMEDIATE Acting - TUE 7:30PM - 10:30PM - Upstairs (Nick Conti)
INTERMEDIATE Acting - THU 7:30PM - 10PM - Downstairs (Jeff Cole)
INTERMEDIATE Acting - SAT 10AM - 1PM - Upstairs (Scott Oakley)
ADVANCED Acting - WED 7:30PM - 10:30PM - Upstairs (Nick Conti)
IMPROV - WED 7:30PM - 10:30PM - Downstairs (Jeff Pack)
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